Kleptocracy Tours!


The Committee for Legislation Against Moneylaundering in Properties by Kleptocrats,

The Henry Jackson Society & Kleptocracy Initiative of the Hudson Institute

are hosting the inaugural

Kleptocracy Tour

to be held in London on Thursday 4th February 2016.

Luxury real estate in prime locations around the globe such as London, New York, Cote d’Azur and Singapore is quickly becoming the bitcoin of world kleptocracy. Hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from the world’s neediest nations are being invested in penthouses, mansions, villas and castles. All of this is being made possible by the use of anonymous companies in exotic offshore jurisdictions, allowing the real owners of these properties to remain unknown.

Kleptocracy Tours will shine a light on the owners, their lavish properties and the sources of their wealth. It will unmask the enablers who help bring proceeds of corruption into our countries. The tour will feature prominent anti-corruption experts – journalists, writers and investigators – as your tour guides, telling you the stories of ill-gotten wealth and answering your questions.

This inaugural tour of London will travel through Whitehall, Knightsbridge, South Kensington and its ‘Billionaire’s Row’, Hampstead, Highgate, and finish in Baker Street. Your tour guides will be:


Vladimir Ashurkov

Russian politician & Executive Director, Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation;

Ben Judah

journalist and author of soon-to-be-released This is London;

Mark Hollingsworth

journalist and author of Londongrad;

Chido Dunn

money-laundering investigator with Global Witness;

Oliver Bullough

journalist and author of The Last Man in Russia;

Dr. Andrew Foxall

Director of the Russia Studies Centre at The Henry Jackson Society;

Peter Pomeranzev

journalist and author of Nothing is True and Everything is Possible; and

Roman Borisovich

anticorruption activist and star of From Russia With Cash documentary.


This spectacular 3-hour journey through the heart of London will be conducted from the comfort of a luxury tour bus

at 9:30am and at 2:30pm on Thursday 4th February 2016.

If you would like to participate, please email to campaigns@clampk.org indicating your reason for attending and your preferred time of tour departure.

There are a limited number of places. Successful applicants will be informed about the exact departure details.

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23 Responses to Kleptocracy Tours!

  1. Pingback: El ‘tour’ de la cleptocracia | NotiReal

  2. Timothy Rutter says:

    Dear Sir,

    30 Pembridge Crescent, London W11 is a small abandoned old warehouse. It was bought by Pembridge Crescent Ltd ( Tortola BVI) from Litvak Investements Ltd ( Tortola BVI ) for £8 million. It is now advertised by Knight Frank for sale.
    Maybe include it on future tours as an example of market distortion?

  3. Fiona Flynn says:

    I missed this, and I wouldn’t have been able to come during the week due to my job, but I’d LOVE to come on one for a weekend. If you definitely don’t do weekends I could take an unpaid day, that’s how much I’d like to join one.

    Please add me to any newsletters so I can know when you’re doing them again.

  4. Pingback: Call to tighten new property law to crack down on ‘dirty money’ | Oxford Observer

  5. Pingback: Call to tighten UK's new property law to crack down on ‘dirty money’ - News-9.comNews-9.com

  6. Nigel croysdale says:

    When’s the next one?

  7. Pingback: Call to tighten UK’s new property law to crack down on ‘dirty money’ | Oxford Observer

  8. Crista Lyon says:

    How does one get a ticket for the 12th April tour, and what is time of day & cost?

  9. Zanja says:

    I would also be interested in joining the tour on 12 April.

    • ArthurD says:

      Hi Shaiendra.
      Thanks for your interest and support. Can you email us at ‘campaigns@clampk.org’ with some background on yourself and your interest in the issue, please?

  10. Paul Palmer says:

    Hi Arthur,

    My name is Paul Palmer, I run a company called Empty Homes UK Ltd. I have investigated dozens of such house in Mayfair and Westminster, as I was the Westmionster Councils emopty homes officer for nearly ten years.

    I have documentary evidence of such fraud.

    Who can I talk to?

  11. Shailendra Singh says:


    Read about your “kleptocracy tour” in an article Peter Pomerantsev wrote for the London Review of Books (review of Luke Harding’s book on the murder of Alexander Litvinenko), am really keen to join the next time you organize a tour.


    • ArthurD says:

      Hi Shaiendra.
      Thanks for your interest and support. We will be in touch by email with news of the next public tour which will likely be in mid-May.

      • Zanja says:

        Hello ArthurD,
        would you please keep me in mind as well?

        • ArthurD says:

          So sorry, my bad…..for not editing properly….. I do need you write with some info about yourself and your interest in the campaign, please, Naja

  12. Shailendra Singh says:

    Hi Arthur,

    Thanks for the response, I will send you an email explaining a bit about myself, and my interest in this issue.


  13. Lawrence says:

    Hi there,

    When is the next tour, my friends and I would love to come!

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